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we get the following error message "400: Bad Request" when logging in via ADFS. 

The registration is done via an Android version 11 MDE device from ZEBRA model: TC520L and the IFS Aurena Scan It 10 app.

we have already changed  the Limit Request Field Size from 8190 to 65.520, but the error message still coming.

also we have not set ADFS relying party claim rules, which another post had presented as a solution.

Does anyone else have an idea where we should look for the cause?

Have you compared with the scenario from here? If not, I’d suggest starting there 🙂


Thank you @Rukmal Fernando, but we are already aware of the post and as I wrote we have already increased the Limit Request Field Size significantly, unfortunately without success.


Here is an excerpt from our settings:


And as described further in the post, we don't have the relying party claim rules active at ADFS at all.

We are grateful for any suggestion.

@DK81 have you tried increasing your log level to TRACE and did that reveal anything in the logs?


Hello @Rukmal Fernando, do you mean the log on the MWS? I don’t know where I can increase it.  

@Rukmal Fernando 

I wanted to say, I do not know where the log is written or where I can look it up?

@Rukmal Fernando we habe found the Solution!


So the solution to fix this is to add the following registry keys on the IIS server:

At: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters


Add DWORD keys:

MaxFieldLength – Decimal – value = 32768

MaxRequestBytes – Decimal – value = 32768




best regards

