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We want to connect the IFS MWO Service 10 mobile application. However, we could not connect due to errors. How can we solve these problems?


Thank you.



Have you granted all security Permission Set Activities for the “Touch App ServiceEngApp 1”?

For MWO Service 10 there is no configuration required in the Touch Apps Server. All configuration is done within Solution Manager.



Hi @James Ashmore 


We don’t have a “Touch App ServiceEngApp 1” permission set. I am trying to connect with IFSAPP. There shouldn’t be a permission problem for IFSAPP.


Thank you!


I am not talking about a specific Permission Sets. I am asking if you have granted the “TouchApps ServiceEngApp 1” Activites (shown below) to a permission set that you have granted to your user:



@James Ashmore Thank you! They weren’t granted. I granted just now. And I deployed the meta. But, still, the same error occurs.

Can you confirm which App you are trying to get running?

The MWO Service 10 App has no deployment in the Touch Apps Server.
