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Hello everyone, strange thing is happening to me today.

Using ifs report designer, I have 2 custom fields on the IVC report which are subject to a condition :


This condition core from ifs report designer and is also on the title, so I just re-used the same syntax for those 2 custom fields.


Suddenly this morning, the 2 custom fields didn’t showed up anymore on customer order ivc deb reports.

The other fields (the title for instance) is still working and showing correctly when users use preview or print in ifs cloud.

Is there any reason it can happen like that without any others changes we made ? 

More strange : I removed the condition, the 2 custom appears again (which is normal). I re-enter condition on those field (copy pasted from the title condition), and i have now this error in ifs cloud :

See nested exception; nested exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException Caused by: null

Any advice will be really appreciated !

@Romain_SNP did you check in the XML file if the 2 CFs appear there → Print manager → Save XML File?

Hello Marcel, yes they appear in the xml with the correct value.

@Romain_SNP is this still an issue? If yes we could have a short meeting to have a look at this.
