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Trying to create a WO using the projection SimpleWorkReportingAssistantHandling in 22R2. As the first step, the necessary information is inserted into an virtual and it is successful. 

Final step is to invoke POST'{Objkey}')/IfsApp.SimpleWorkReportingAssistantHandling.SimpleWorkReportingVirtual_Finish.

Here, the objkey is needed from the previous step as a Path Parameter and it does not accept a request payload. 

I was able to extract the objkey using the below method.

But unable to connect the objkey as a Path Parameter to the URL.

Any ideas?

Thank You!



You have set the wrong value for the Bound Entity set name as per your snapshot. The ObjKey will be the Bound entity set parameter and “SimpleWorkReportingSet” is your Bound entity set name. It will be better if you can use a set property before the last connector shape to set those values (BoundEntitySetName & BoundEntitySet Parameters are Document properties of the connector). I have attached the snapshots for both values below.

Bound Entity Name:



Bound Entity Params:




