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How can I construct the IFS application address URL to navigate to form window and populate with data.

Assume that I want to navigate into below screen and populate with LU_NAME=Project. from a external application.

How can I construct the IEE Url ?



Hello @techifs 

I am trying to understand your question.

Are you looking to build an Integration? 

Do you want to build the URL inside IFS  to connect to an external application?

If you want to build an URL to connect to an external application you can do it via Lobby.




Hi ,

I want to navigate into IFS application custom field window with data populated from an External application.

Suppose I am developing a 3rd party application and I want to add url there and navigate into IFS application.

Something like below URL
However above URL doesn't load and populate with data

When I click my 3rd party application button, I want to navigate into below window and populate with logical unit = ‘Project’

How can I construct IFS application URL for this?




Hi @techifs,

You can find the documentation for external search development here:

Just follow the instructions mentioned in this documentation and form the encoded URL properly and it should work as you expect. 

Also go through the following post and the reply marked as answer, which explains a real scenario of creating an external search URL:

Hope this helps!