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In the IFSDS doing a customization in some entity, I need to download the related files, the IFS DS suggest all the necessary files.

The problem is IFSDS is ignoring the CPS version, see below.

Even the target version of the project set UPD7.

Looking in archive, we can see the files in the example is in version 7.

Anyone know if exist a parameter in order to fix this?

Just to add some info, in ISD, the problem doesn't occur.


See the log below yellow highlighted:


Alexandre Bicalho.

Hi Alexandre,

I don’t know an exact way of fixing this but when I want to customize a certain file, I usually create the project from the developer studio. And then checkout the relevant file via ISD pointing to the newly created project’s workspace. This way ISD prompts to fetch all the relevant files for code generation and I usually don’t get the issue you are facing currently. Not sure this exactly helps, but it's efficient.

Hi Infaz,

Thanks for your answer.

I'm doing it, but once it worked, but now we have that problem.

I'm trying to report a bug through IFSDS, but I need a Jira account and I don't have one.


Hi Alexandre,

You can probably raise a support case via LCS, once the relevant team which should be Foundation will pick this up and investigate, they will dispatch a task to the relevant Product Development team to fix the issue.

Hi Infaz,


I'll open a case.