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In the Aurena Client for Apps 10, it was only possible to use SQL type Quick Reports as Custom Command for “ExecuteQuickReport”.  We need to use Crystal Reports type Quick Reports in the Cloud 23R1 version and pass one or more Parameters in the Command. The Cloud Technical documentation still says “The key value editor allows the end user to map context values as report parameters. Currently this is available for SQL Quick Reports only.”  Has anyone found a work around for this scenario using Cloud 23R1 yet? 

Hi @cholus 

Unfortunately no!

I am working with a customer who has the same problem and we have limited using crystal reports with parameters in Aurena side and for the reports we use, we make sure to have one or two params at max.

if there is a standard report view available (CUSTOMER_ORDER_IVC_REP) in the page you could add as an additional report layout. This way it will be able to take the page information automatically. But it will come under share command which might not be your requirement.


@cholus @EntNadeeL 

Did you ever find a solution to passing parameters into a Crystal Report from 23R1?


No, we are going to change the Crystal Reports over to SSRS reports to solve this issue, IFS will not support Crystal for Aurena in App 10 (our current version). 

We have chased IFS about this, and they have told us a resolution where parameters can be mapped for Crystal Ad Hoc Reports is planned for the 25R1 release.
