There is no way to change what &MESSAGE_TEXT holds as such as it is hardcoded in APPROVAL_ROUTING_API but if your only requirement is to change the subject, there is nothing stopping you from creating your own subject.
For example using &MESSAGE_TEXT is the same as having Document Class &KEY01, No &KEY02, Sheet &KEY03, Rev &KEY04 is ready for your immediate approval.
You could create your own subject using the attributes provided such as:
Document Approval required for document no: &KEY02 (&KEY01 Class)
Or just text in the subject: New IFS Document Requires Your Approval!
Regards, Callum
Thanks @CallumW much appreciated
Like @CallumW says, you cannot modify the predefined attributes in a standard event. However, there might be an ugly workaround: use an event action of the type “Online SQL” (I might misremember the name, but you will find it). In that one, write a small block of PL/SQL code that will, again, execute the same event. When doing this you can provide the values you need.
This is indeed a bit of a hack, and you also need to introduce some value or attribute that you can check in your event action to make sure things continuing forever.
I don’t have the time to produce a recipe for this, so someone else might need to step in here, or you need to experiment with this yourself. Have a look at how the standard events in IFS are coded and you will understand how it is done.
Good luck!
PS. You will need the following methods to do the job: Message_SYS.Construct, Message_SYS.Add_Attribute and Event_SYS.Event_Execute.