Instant invoice - More information - Customer reference automatically
Is it somehow possible to get the customer reference automatically in instant invoice?
Today we need to add the customer reference manually in the “More information” tab.
When e-invoices are sent, customer ref is mandatory and it would be much easier if this filed had the customer ref inherited from the customer card.
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@Ingela it seems the Customer Reference field behaves differently in Instant Invoice compared to Customer Order Invoice. In Instant Invoice, this field is freetext, it has no list of values associated with it.
The easiest way to update it would be to create a BPA Workflow as process enrichment to read the Customer Contact from Customer Address and put the value in Customer Reference in Instant Invoice.
Furthermore, since this field is so important in your process, I would also make it visible in the Instant Invoice header and also make it mandatory so that users won’t forget to enter a value (until you’ll have the WF created).
@Marcel.Ausan Thanks a lot for you quick answer, it was helpful.