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EFT Remittance grouping multiple suppliers in payment run into one remittance Print

  • November 30, 2019
  • 2 replies

Do Gooder (Customer)

Hi All, 


Has anyone have any issues with EFT payment types on the Remittances sent out to the suppliers?  We currently do not have any bank details in the electronic payment addresses .  My assumptions are that  this is causing the issues as IFS assumes all suppliers are related to one bank account (none?).  What is the minimum data required within the EFT payment type to get the remittance split by supplier? 

2 replies

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 202 replies
  • December 3, 2019

Hi Fabrizio,

What is the exact payment format are you going to use? 

If you refer the standard Core format, EFT is a Australian payment type. It is only accepted by Australian banks.

When you want to remit a payment to a supplier's bank account, it is required to define the supplier's bank account details in electronic payment address of the supplier (in relating to the payment method you are going to use). You can define multiple addresses, if your supplier use multiple bank accounts. 

You can remit payments to different suppliers through a single payment order. But, debtor's account should be a single cash account per currency.

If you have any questions, please feel free to raise.

Best Regards



Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 439 replies
  • March 11, 2020

From the pay format screen you can uncheck the pay advice single print option.






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