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We have the app param SERIAL_UNIQUENESS set to 1 (serial unique for part ID).

My understanding of this would be that two products with the same part can’t have the same serial ID but two products with different part IDs can have the same serial ID.

However, when we try to add two products with the same serial ID to a shipment we get an error saying that the selected serial ID is already included in the shipment even though the products are connected to different part IDs.

Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding the app param, do anyone have any experience with this?



Hi @Erik Forsberg,

If I am understanding this correctly I believe what you are hitting is separate to what the app param controls.

The app param controls if you can save a serial that is not unique depending on its various settings and it seems what you are seeing is how you can then use those products that have the same serial in the system. It looks like the shipment has a restriction to not allow multiple products with the same serial to be added to the same shipment.

If it was the app param blocking the serial I would have expected it to not allow the serial to be saved against the product in the first place.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi @Lee Pinchbeck !

First of all, thanks for the quick reply!

Okay so if I understand you correctly the app param is not connected to my shipping issue. 
If that is the case then I don’t really understand why there is that sort of restriction on shipment.
Would this qualify as a bug then since we allow multiple products to have the same serial ID as long as they have different part IDs but we limit the ability to send them in the same shipment which to me doesn’t make any sense.


Thanks and best regards,



Hi @Erik Forsberg,

Think it would likely need to be a case for full investigation. If the system is allowing non-unique serials then I would expect (as you do) that this would be the case throughout the system. If it is not then it will need to be looked at.

Hope this helps,

Lee Pinchbeck