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We’ve installed FSM 5.7 and 6.7 on the same server. We’ve noticed that the report viewer is used to display reports in the 5.7 version. In the 6.7 version, some of the reports are getting errors when we try to print them, and no reports are linked to the report viewer. Do you know how to setup the reports in 6.7 to use the FSM report viewer?


Example when trying to print the standard OOTB (out of the box) “Pick List” report:

We get no errors in the 5.7 version

But in the version 6.7 it tries to open the “yourreporterserver” web page.

The app params between 5.7 and 6.7 are the same.




REPORT_SERVER_URI_CRYSTAL = http://YourCrystalReportServer/CrystalViewer.aspx?%2fcrystalReportsPath=path to crystal report file\

REPORT_SERVER_URI_SSRS = http://YourReportServer/YourReportServerVirtualDirectory/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fYourParentFolder/






Hi @ploutfi_GOGH,

Between those two versions the SSRS reports were deprecated. From the information provided it looks like the report is set to open up the SSRS path and is no longer able to as it is deprecated.

Is it correct to say this is only occurring on reports marked as SSRS rather than Client reports? All SSRS reports should be converted to Client based ones to ensure future support.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

I found the solution. In FSM 5.7, if a custom report (Reports Admin screen) had either a source of “Client Report” or was blank, then it was treated as a “Client Report”. In FSM 6.7, if the custom report has a blank source, then it is considered an “SSRS” report. The solution is just to change the source from a blank to “Client Report”.