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Mean Down Time Report

Do Gooder (Customer)


Can you please explain the criteria used for the Mean Down Time report in FSM.

The report states “This report measures the time from the Request open event to the last complete or close event in the Request Events entity, for qualifying Requests. Those times are averaged for all qualifying Requests, and that is the Mean (Average) Down Time.”

What is a qualifying request?



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Lee Pinchbeck
Ultimate Hero
  • Ultimate Hero
  • 1219 replies
  • April 12, 2021

Hi @PirtekKH,

A qualifying request will be any request in the data that satisfies all of the parameter values you have entered for the report.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Do Gooder (Customer)
  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 22 replies
  • April 12, 2021

Hi Lee

A report generated using the place id gives me 53 qualifying requests where as a search of the requests screen, with the same criteria gives me 150.

All of the requests look to be formatted the same however something is clearly different.


Where can I get the report criteria from?



Lee Pinchbeck
Ultimate Hero
  • Ultimate Hero
  • 1219 replies
  • April 12, 2021

Hi @PirtekKH,

The report file will be held in the reports folder within the FSM installation folder structure created when FSM was installed. This file will contain all of the logic that the report uses when it runs.

A potentially quick answer to why the number of records is lower though: Did you restrict your search to only closed requests with end dates? In order to work out the down time the report will need a start and end time for each request. If one is missing it will be excluded and this may be why the numbers differ.

Specifically, there must be at least one complete or close event on the events for the particular request. The request could be in a status of closed but if there is no event for completion or closure it will still not appear.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

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