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We have a requirement from our client to add some validations during the workflow (for example “Did you report all parts used? Yes/No”) . On the mobile app is it possible to show a pop up window and jump to a specific screen based on the answer? 


Thank you,

João Oliveira

You could add a survey with the answers you are looking to for that screen and that might give you what you are looking for. 


Is a good place to start if you haven’t heard of surveys in FSM mobile. They can be added in mobile in addition to the webclient.

Hi Christine,


Than you for you comment!

Unfortunately I’m not seeing how can I control the workflow based on a survey. For example I might have an simple survey with a question “Is the client at home? Yes/No”, but how can I control the next screen based on what the technician answer? If yes, continue the execution flow. Otherwise jump to the summary screen to close the task?


Best regards,

João Oliveira
