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Hi All,

Facing an issue with dataset we have loading datasets from FSM to pso every 30 min interval datasets will be loading today we are facing issue like datasets is not loading on schedule board when we select dataset  its always showing waiting for dataset popup we restarted servers but no luck .


Kindly suggest what could be the issue?





  • you may need to check the structure of the source database and be sure you are capturing the characteristics of the dataset from source.
  • the NO_CMR_EST_DS source may also have a performance issue now as it seems from your error message. 


Can you please provide some steps or something to check source database as suggested. 







Hi Durga,

This toast is displayed when the client is fetching the scheduling data from the server, if the data is particularly large then this can take some time. Status updates should further be provided to indicate the progress for fetching the data.



Hi Durga,

you can also check the browser developer tools > network tab for client/server requests and their time taken to investigate if this might be a performance issue.

Best regards
