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Hi All,

The customer is deploying FSconnect AWS URL ( FTP to SFTP migration) by year end & currently it's in UAT & this clarification is related to SFTP development work which is on critical path.

  1. Whether the FSconnect application needs to use two separate ports for document transfer? (Port 20 & 21)
  2. Is there anything we should know about changing IFS Connect (FS Connect) from FTP to SFTP in Apps8?

Thanks & Best Regards,



Since this is posted in the Docman forum I will comment from that perspective.

Docman does not support SFTP or FTPS. I think IFS Connect supports one of those secure versions of FTP though.

I don't know anything about FSconnect so I will not comment on that.

In such scenarios, a separate IFS Connect setup template for SFTP is available. Please make sure you are using it correctly.



