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maybe someone could help me to understand why in IFS Cloud the user/person cannot see the document class in the list of values when creating document with “Create Document Assistant”?

The user/person is defined as having Edit access for that document class in the window “Document Access Template”.

When creating document in the window “Document Revision” the LOV of Document Classes are shown and allows to select that document class, but when saving appears the error message, that the user is not allowed to create document for that document class.

It becomes allowed only if I assign System Privilege “DOCMAN_ADMINISTRATOR”, but I think it is not the issue to give this privilege.

According to documentation, in document classes LOV should be visible all document classes that are assigned for the user/person in the window “Document Access Template”.

What I missed to do for being able to create document revision for such document class?

Thank you beforehand.

Hi @Lina Menciene  Check the below part of the documentation from “Document Access”   documentation page,

---- Access for Creating Documents
Access to create documents of a certain class can be granted to a person by creating records in the Persons and Groups tab in the Document Class Management form. By default, if there are no records in this form, all persons can create documents of that class. As soon as there are records in this form, the person needs to have a record defined or needs to be part of one of the groups defined.

If a certain person is not granted access for a particular class, the class will not be displayed in the list of values of the Document Class field in the Create Document Assistant, Create Documents assistant and Attachment panel's Create New Document assistant. If the document class is manually entered, an error will be displayed mentioning that the person does not have access to create a document of that class.

All the other forms other than the mentioned ones will list all the document classes (including the ones that the user does not have access to) in order to support the search functionality. --------

hank you so so much!!!!

How I was able to forget that:) That in IFS Claud it s a bit different.

Thank you very much for the quick answer. Finally I managed to see the LOV I needed:)
