Hi @Kavindu911 ,
Please, check if currency in customer order line is the same one that the currency in RMA.
Another option: Have you checked if the Credit Customer No and Credit Address Id shown in RMA/Misc Info is the same one you have in your customer order for Invoicing Customer and Address Id?
Error is shown if any of the following conditions are not met:
IF NOT ((ordrow_rec_.contract = newrec_.contract) AND
(ordrow_rec_.catalog_no = newrec_.catalog_no) AND
(ordrec_.customer_no = rma_rec_.customer_no) AND
(ordrec_.currency_code = rma_rec_.currency_code) AND
(ordrow_state_ IN ('Delivered', 'PartiallyDelivered', 'Invoiced'))) THEN
Error_SYS.Record_General(lu_name_, 'ORDLINENOTVALID: This customer order line is not valid for use on this RMA line.');
ordrow, ordrec, the values fetched from customer order line or customer order header
rma_rec, newrec: the values fetched from rma header or new line intended to be saved.
Start the RMA from the customer order line so that it pulls in all of the correct information rather than trying to create the RMA and then connect to the order. You will continue to get that error which will prevent saving until every value mentioned by @Pilar Franco is satisfied.
It is just easier to start from the customer order line and then there are no concerns with missing a field of information.