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GTIN - Can I have 2 x GTIN14 numbers with Package ID '0'

  • November 10, 2021
  • 1 reply

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 27 replies

Is it possible to have two different GTIN14 numbers - both with Package indicator ‘0’ associated to a ‘Part’?

How can this be set up?

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1 reply


Hi @Fgray09 ,


As far as it is observed in the application, you are unable to set up two different GTIN14 numbers - both with Package indicator ‘0’ associated to one part.

It gives an error when doing so when adding the line 2 for the same Input UoM / or for a different Input UoM with the Package Indicator ‘0’


Package Indicator indicates the package level which you can enter the digits 0 to 9. GTIN-14 is a unique number for each Input UoM / and for each Package Indicator and it seems you are unable save two GTIN-14 for Package indicator level 0. Below type of a set up is possible with the current features.


Hope this helps!



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