Quite new to the Data Migration Tool in IFS I try doing my first Excel migration job using two LU’s. The purpose of the job is to update the SUPPLIER.SUPP_GRP column. As an additional information we will need the ASSOCIATION_NO from the SUPPLIER_INFO_GENEREAL LU but only SUPP_GRP needs to be updateable.
I have configured the job as follows:
In the method list tab I added the two LU’s:
In the rules tab I added a FETCHCONDITION that seems to work:
supplier_info_general.supplier_id = supplier.vendor_no
And finally I configured the source mapping tab as follows:
Running the job in Excel the Load Data procedure works as expected. One row for each supplier and all field showing the correct existing value. But then edit the SUPP_GRP value on a supplier and the run the Validate procedure I got an “Object does not exists” error in the Result Column.
Back to the migration job trying edit and save some information on the SUPPLIER_INFO_GENERAL row in the method list I got the following error:
To me it seems like the job don’t like using the SUPPLIER_INFO_GENERAL.SUPPLIER_ID column as a key even if this column is defined as one.
Does anyone has any idea how to solve this problem?