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Hello Community,

I am attempting to migrate code parts in the Authorizer Assigning Rule (view name: AUTH_ASSIGN_RULE_CODEPART1) using the Data Migration Manager.

However, I'm encountering the following error:
Method NEW failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("IFSAPP"."CODESTRING_COMB_TAB"."ACCOUNT")
This is despite the account being present in the legacy file, mapped, and transferred to Deployment.

Note: I successfully migrated the same file using the INSERT_OR_UPDATE Migration Job, but encountered the same error mentioned above when using CREATE_TABLE_FROM_FILE and MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA.

Has anyone experienced this issue before and can offer assistance?

Thank you 

Hi @Daniel_Hassan 

As per my understanding the ORA-01400 error happens when you are trying to insert a NULL value into a column that doesn’t allow it, like the “ACCOUNT” field in the “CODESTRING_COMB_TAB”. please check that the Data Migration Manager’s mapping isn’t unintentionally setting the “ACCOUNT” field to NULL, and make sure all rows in the source file have valid values for this field, and check that no default settings in the migration are causing issues. Also, review any database constraints or triggers that might be affecting the data during the migration process.


