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Purchase Order Change Order Workflow Inter-site orders

  • November 16, 2021
  • 9 replies

Superhero (Customer)
  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 454 replies

I’m hoping there’s an expert who can assist on the workflow of PO Change orders when applied on inter-site POs.  

We are on Apps9 and have PO Change Order enforced on sites within company A.  We have a PO on site B where the supplier is site C.  I think the workflow is as follows:

  1. Create PO Change Order for PO on site B
  2. Make necessary PO changes in POCO eg qty change to 3 from 2.  Save.  
  3. RMB in PO Header, select Send Change Request
  4. RMB on PO line, select Supply Chain Orders Analysis
  5. Select CO.  RMB to Incoming Change Request
  6. Manually update Incoming Change Request for Customer Order eg qty change to 3 from 2
  7. RMB in Incoming Change Request for Customer Order Header.  Select Approve
  8. Status on Incoming Change Request for CO changes to Processed and the connected CO and SO are updated
  9. RMB in POCO Header and select Release
  10. RMB in POCO Header and select Update PO


PO = Purchase Order

CO = Customer Order

SO = Shop Order

POCO = Purchase Order Change Order


I think I was rather hoping that the Incoming Change Request for Customer Order would have already been updated with the changes made on the POCO but then it can’t be as the PO is not able to be updated from the POCO until the CO Change request is processed.  We encounter “please communicate existing purchase order line changes to supplier” message if we try to update PO from POCO before processing CO Change Request.  

It feels a little bit like being stuck in Dante’s Circles of Hell and I can’t help thinking I’ve missed something obvious…

Any thoughts/suggestions/observations would be most welcome.  



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Steps 9, 10 should come after step 2. As I understand you are not able to do that because of the mentioned error. I think there must have been a change in the PO already before creating the POCO. RMB ‘Send change request’ won’t be enabled unless there is a change. POCO is not updated to the PO yet. So the changes made by POCO haven’t made to the PO yet. If the RMB ‘Send change request’ is enabled even before that I think there is a change made in the PO itself or there is a previous POCO which was updated to the PO. Please check whether the checkbox ‘Pending changes’ in PO header is checked since if so that means there is a change in the PO already.

Superhero (Customer)
  • Author
  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 454 replies
  • November 17, 2021

Thanks, @Manoj Balasooriya 

I only switched on Enforce PO Change Order yesterday but in this instance it looked like the PO had been updated before that.  





PO header showing this now - which it will, of course, because we have now created the Change Order..


Yes, order history says Revision number has been changed on 2/9/2021. That means a change had been made on the PO and that’s why you had to send the change request for that before updating the POCO to the PO.

Superhero (Customer)
  • Author
  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 454 replies
  • November 17, 2021

But we didn’t have Change Requests switched on on 2/9/2021...


Do you mean Enforce POCO was not switched on 2/9/2021?

Superhero (Customer)
  • Author
  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 454 replies
  • November 17, 2021



When POCO is not enforced, changes can be made in the PO itself without creating a POCO. Even a POCO can be created even though it’s not enforced.

We have to send the change requests in both scenarios ie: Changes in the PO itself or changes done though a POCO.

If we do a change in either way, we have to send the change request before updating another POCO to the PO.

I think below is what has happened.

  1. Change was done to the PO on 2/9/2021 but the change request was not sent to the supply site.
  2. When you try to update the POCO you get the error because previous change was not sent the supply site yet.
  3. You had to send the change request first and then you could update the POCO to the PO. Now you can send another change request to update the supply site with the changes done through the POCO.


Superhero (Customer)
  • Author
  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 454 replies
  • November 17, 2021

How can I send a change request for something that was done two months ago?


In the normal way, as you did in step 3 - RMB in PO Header, select Send Change Request

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