I have noticed system behavior that I am not able to correct. We use the PO Change Order function in IFS. If a PO is in a Released status, you cannot connect a Project Activity, the system indicates you must use a Change Order. However, when you create one, there is no location on the Change Order to attach the project connection. I do not understand this design. Is there a way to update a PO and connect a project when the PO is in a Released status? As of now, the only workaround I have found is to cancel the PO and recreate it in a Planned state.
We are using Apps 10 UPD 12. Any guidance would be appreciated.
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HI @cjohnson ,
Check whether you have below setting enabled in the site level.
If you have this enabled you are not allowed to do any changed to a released PO directly.
Thank you,
Hello @Lumini Sahabandu
Yes, we do have that enabled and we use Change Orders. However, when you create a Change Order, you cannot connect a Project to the CO and therefore update the PO.
IFS appears to contradict themselves when you look at the help of the Site setting….
If this check box is selected, all changes to a released purchase order that directly or indirectly affects the value of the purchase order needs to be processed via a purchase order change order. However, this does not apply to a purchase order created from the requisition line(s) of an express purchase requisition (i.e., with the order code 5). If the check box is not selected, changes could be registered directly on the released purchase order or optionally via a purchase order change order. That is, this value decides how you should work with change management for purchase orders on this site. This value could be overridden per supplier. This will not apply when connecting/disconnecting projects to the purchase order line.
Even with the Site flag removed, I still receive this message… this directly contradicts the IFS documentation…
It isn’t possible to connect a project activity from the order object if the item is moved beyond a planned status. (Customer Order Line, Purchase Order Line, Shop Order, doesn’t matter). It must be in Planned.
For some objects, you can go to the project and connect back from the project to the order object, but this method isn’t 100% depending on the object.
Usually the clear way to make the connection is to create a new release/delivery with the same line on the same PO, make the connection, then cancel the previous release. The trick is to make the connection before saving the line as the status will go right to released depending on the object. On a Customer Order Line for example, you can set the Supply Code to Not Decided, make the project connection, then change the supply code. On a PO, you have to make the connection while the line is not released.
I call this a one-way door in IFS, once you go through it, it can’t be undone or taken back. That is, once Released, you can’t go back to Planned to make the connection.
In Apps 10 Upd 15 (the environment which I used to test the above scenario) this is fixed. It is possible to disconnect and then connect a new Project Activity on a released Purchase Order (Even when Enforce Change Order is enabled on the Site / Supplier etc.).
Still it is not possible to disconnect / connect to new Project Activity on a Purchase Order Change Order.
The only way out for you in your version I guess is to create a change order and cancel the original line and then create a new line with the correct project connection. I know this is not ideal as the reference to connected Purchase Requisiton (if any existed) will be lost as well as the PR will be reopened. I would report this to IFS Support to get the patch deployed.
*** Above is valid for PART Lines. I happened to come across the same error for No Part Lines*** Inconsistent behavior on the same PO where I have a Part line and a No Part line. System lets me disconnect and connect Projects on the Part Lines but not on the No Part line of the same PO. And there is no option on the change order to connect/disconnect projects.
UPDATE - After and updated to 15, I can confirm this behavior is consistent. If you create a PO and release it, you CANNOT connect a project, even with Change Orders turned off at the Site level. Our only workaround is to cancel the PO and connect the project.
Hi Guys
I was looking for an answer to a question of mine on IFS 24R1 and appears that we cannot change the project connection even with a change order. That to me is surprising. Do you guys know anything about this?