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Do we have Supplier onborading process ? in IFS / Any CRIM for a Modification/Customization

Hero (Employee)

In present Global supplier master data maintenance in the system has been granted only to Global Procurement team.

However, once the Supplier onboarding and assurance executive update / amend supplier master data those will be available in the production prior any review / authorization granted.

This has been identified as a risk (ICRAP01 – Supplier Master Data) by Global Internal Audit team and we were requested to mitigate / minimize this risk by authorizing supplier master data prior release into production.



In current process or system, we do not have a proper control to facilitate the above request by mitigating / minimizing the risk associated with supplier master data maintenance (create / amend).


Requested Resolution:

Once the Supplier onboarding and assurance executive create / modify supplier master data record should change into a “preliminary status” to check by another Supplier onboarding and assurance executive (preferably by a supervisor / Manager) and if the information updated are satisfied they should be able to make the supplier record available in production for payment.   


What is the Best way to address this ?

01- I Dont think we have this functionality whitin IFS

02- If we planned for a modification , what is the Best way ?

2 replies

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 74 replies
  • August 8, 2024

In a previous life, the company I worked for allowed the procurement team to create new suppliers - BUT they didn’t have access to the invoice or payment tabs/sections.

Access to invoice/payment was limited to different positions within AR / AP.

As a company record for both invoice and payment creation is required before a PO can be placed the business process provided the approval - rather than having a specific status field on the header of the supplier record.

It is also then possible to use the inactive date on the invoice section or the blocked for payment field in the payment section to prevent the creation of PO’s using these suppliers on these companies (though this may require an event to prevent the save of a new record depending on the status of these fields).


Hope this helps.



Hero (Employee)
  • Author
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 62 replies
  • August 9, 2024

Hi @WyrDavidB ,


Thaks for the insigh , i will go for Customization or for a modifcation on this 


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