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Hi ,

I have a DP forecast which I adjusted manually . Then it was set to ‘reviewed’ (tested both in DP client and as well Demand Planner page) . 

Afterwards I ran the job “Import Demand Planning Forecasts”

In MSL1 forecast ,  I can only see the original DP forecast (sys forecast)  but not the adjusted forecast. What am I missing ? I am working in the version 23R2

I confirmed as well

Kind Regards



Hi Yash,

Check the Exported Forecasts screen - this shows the data that will be imported



Hi @Richard Owen 

Thank you so much for the prompt response. Yes I checked and I still see the same sys forecast (equivalent to MSL1)


My question is why can’t I see the manually adjusted forecast? 


Kind Regards


Try switching the Status = ‘Released’ in the DP Client and then refresh the Exported Forecast screen

Hi @Richard Owen 

Thanks so much for the fast reply , much appreciated :)

I did try that, but result is same


I logged out and logged into the DP client, even ran the importing background job again . still no change

Are there any specific steps I should follow inorder to get the DP forecast across to MSL1?

This customer I am working with potentially need to work with few planners to adjust the forecast of DP after publishing and then seeing the result in MSL1 to then carry on with rest of  planning... 


Kind Regards


Hi Yash,

Just checking here, but is the Base Flow flagged as the Master Flow or does the Base Flow belong to a Combined Flow that is flagged as a Master Flow?  Either way, it is there a Master Flow?

The problem for me is that the Adjusted Forecast should show in the Exported Forecast screen to start with.  This is the data that is then imported into MS 😊

Hi @Richard Owen 

Yes there is a Master Flow. 

Does Scenario ID got anything to do with it ? and what exactly does this do ? 




Hi Yash,

Thanks for confirming the Master Flow (always good to check, just in case) 😉

I can’t see the Scenario ID in your DP Client screen shot (it will be in the ‘Detail View’ section), but by default this should be Scenario ‘0’ (which you see in Exported Forecast and in the Import Demand Planning Forecasts dialog).

It is possible to create different Scenarios in the DP Client (it’s available from one of these, but I can’t remember which one and it’s Friday afternoon!) 😅


The idea is that you can have different versions (or Scenarios) of the forecast such as ‘Best Case’, ‘Worst Case’, ‘Budget’, etc. which you can then import into different MS Sets (or ‘Scenario Sets’) for analysis, comparison reporting and such like.

So …. can you check that it is Scenario ‘0’ in the DP Client?

Also, when you make a change to the Adjusted Forecast for Part ‘XXX’, have you tried moving to the next part (Part ‘YYY’) and then moving back again?

The Adjusted Forecast should be automatically updated (you may need to refresh the screen).

Otherwise, I think you may need to try a Complete DP Data Refresh from the Server Dashboard.

The thing is that this functionality should be working, so there’s something funny happening here!

Good luck,




Hi @Richard Owen 

Thanks again to your valuable input to my query :)

This test was done in updated in 23.2.1 version of 23R2 and seems like a bug. The same scenario has been tested in 23.2.0 update and works as expected ; the adjusted forecast comes across to Exported Forecasts page and MSL1 forecast grid

A bug report has been sent to IFS and I am now expecting their feedback

Kind Regards



Hi Yash,

Thanks for the feedback which will help others in the Community who may encounter the same problem.

I’m pleased to hear that you’ve got it working. Good luck with the testing!

Best Regards,

