Cleanup of Inventory not clearing all stock when 0 are on hand
We are running the cleanup of inventory background job daily, we have this set to 0 days before current date so it will clear everything with an old activity date. The job is running each day as I can see that it is clearing out inventory, however I am left with lines that will not clear. These lines have 0 on hand quantity, 0 in transit, are not frozen and the last activity date is prior to the job being executed.
The transaction history for these parts are also showing as old dates.
Is there anything else that would block these lines from clearing when the cleanup background job is executed?
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In the settings of the scheduled tasks there is the option how often and for which sites you want to perform this task.
Furthermore at the bottom you can find the option to exclude some specific location types.
Make sure that the option with “No” is selected and the Days before current date is set to your wanted clearing date.
In our configuration we are clearing all 0 values from the stock everyday from yesterdays transactions.
Best regards,
Hi @Thomas Prügl
The scheduled task is set to 0 days and ‘no’.
Many thanks
From the Documentation the following criteria should be applicable to the job:
Once you run the record you should be able to see that inventory part records with on-hand quantity of zero and a last transaction date prior to the number of days specified in the Days Before Current Date field, are removed from the Inventory Part In Stock, Receive Inventory Part and the Issue Inventory Part windows.
On the screenshot from above Ive seen that the frozen Checkbox = FALSE.
Also that the last transaction date of those records are quite old.
One try would be to start the job manually with an offset of 400 to see if there is a restriction of the maximum date of the past, the job is considering
Hi @Thomas Prügl
Unfortunately this has not cleared them either.
Delete the task and re do it with the same parameters, had the same issue as above. I recreated the job and all lines were deleted as expected.