I’m rather new to the use of assystREST API, and I do apologize if this is blindingly obvious.
I’ve tried using the Assyst wiki assystREST_More_Examples article as a guide, but I’ve come up short.
Is it possible to get all attachments from an event using a single rest query?
When using the query below the “Event attachments” are returned, however none of the “Action Attachments” are part of this response.
GET http://:/assystREST/v2/events/[eventId]/attachments
I have attempted using the actions endpoint, however that does not return any of the “Event Attachments”, and this returns all the actions, not just the attachments.
GET http://:/assystREST/v2/actions?eventId=[eventId]&fields=attachments
I’ve so far thus been unable to get a single request response, and i’m unsure as how to structure more advanced queries.
In the same line of inquiry, I’ve been trying to lookup get all open events that are within a certain siteArea.
This is trivial using the assyst GUI, however using REST I’ve been unable to structure a query for this, or the flip side, return what the siteArea is for a given event.
The use case for the latter is to help improve an external dashboard used for incident handling and aims to add a broader location insight into these events. Such insight is desired by our 24/7 staff to better evaluate if there is a broader geographic component, uniting incidents triggered during the night.
Are such nested queries even possible, and if they are there some examples to be shared, or guidance on how to go about creating them?
Thank you very much for your time
Best regards