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Hi all,

In IFS PM Action it is possible to set an accumulated condition (like running hours). When there are at least three values in IFS, IFS calculated the maintenance plan.

My question is more related to when we have a lot of running hours registered, how does IFS calculate the maintenance plan? is there some documenation on this topic?

How many registered hours are taken into account (all, latest 10 measurments, or latest 12 Month?) and is the maintenanc eplan always calculated lineair based on these values? I got a question of a customer who wants to know if there is a possibility to have seasonal calculation? so for example it is know that during the summer the runnig hours are less then in winter time. Can IFS take this into account within the calculation?



Have you read through the below documentation in PM Plan > Condition-based Maintenance Plan ?

IFS Cloud Documentation

IFS Cloud Documentation

For condition based Accumulated parameter, linear regression function is used to Forecast maintenance plan, at least two recordings are required for forecast. If more readings are available, last 5 readings are taken into consideration.

Thanks @Mayura Wasantha  and @Vinayak ,

So, it is always Linear, and it will use always the last 5 recordings (under the assumption we have enough recordings).

Do you know if there are changes planned in this functionality? For my customer it would make sense to have an option per PM Action (with a default value) to use a different number of recordings. They have equipment objects for which they receive every week a recording, but there are also equipment objects where they receive a recording every three months.

For the first equipment object it should be possible to say, use all recordings of the last two months. And for the second equipment object, it would make sense to say, use all recording of the last 12 months.

Thanks again :)

Hi Robert, there is no such plans to extend the functional flexibility. However, I suggest you report a community idea so that it will be crossed through our Product Managers @stefan @Martin Harris soon.

I had a look at this recently and it should be relatively easy to make the number of readings configurable, as a central value. And also not that hard to make it configurable per PM or object, but hardER. Then again, there are many good ideas of things to add 🙂 

I have created an idea on this community:


Thanks for all the good feedback!
