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We want to trigger an Process Flow on Event when an Interaction is created.


Why is this trigger only available on Service Orders and not on Customer Support Orders.

I want to trigger on Customer Support and not on Service Order.

Service Order Triggers:


Support Orders:


We are on Version: 15.4.6



Hi Robin,

I will check with R&D to see if they have any thoughts on this.  Not sure a reason for this omission is available but I will ask.


HI Robin,

Please log a case for support of this possible omission is the outcome of the discussion I had internally.



For now i have created an Periodically Process Flow that gets all created interactions that check the change log if demand id not exist  and do the action and write the interaction demand id to the change log.

The process flow triggers every 5 minutes.


I still think triggering the process flow on create event on interaction should be available on customer support.

I will log an ticket with low priority.



Hi Robin,

The code for handling Customer Support - Interactions within a process flow event trigger has been addressed and will be available in v15.4 SU11.

