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I have 2 users getting this error when they use F3. We have cleared the App_data and also cleared cache. It doesn’t go away but happens only once in a while. It only happened after we swapped to 10 from 9. 


Unhandled Exception has occurred ---> System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Ifs.Fnd.Data.FndDataColumn' to type 'Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.FndApfDataColumn'.    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDbManager.BuildSearchMeta()    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDbManager.get_SearchExploreSource()    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDataSource.DataRecordSearchDialog()    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDataSource.DataRecordQueryDialog()    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cFormWindowBase.DataRecordQueryDialog()    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cFormWindowBase.vrtDataRecordQueryDialog()    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDataSource.vrtDataRecordQueryDialog()    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDataSource.DataSourcePopulate(SalNumber nWhat, SalNumber nParam)    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cFormWindowBase.DataSourcePopulate(SalNumber nWhat, SalNumber nParam)    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cMasterDetailTabFormWindow.DataSourcePopulate(SalNumber nWhat, SalNumber nParam)    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cMasterDetailTabFormWindow.vrtDataSourcePopulate(SalNumber nWhat, SalNumber nParam)    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDataSource.vrtDataSourcePopulate(SalNumber nWhat, SalNumber nParam)    at Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.cDataSource.cDataSource_WindowActions(Object sender, WindowActionsEventArgs e)    at PPJ.Runtime.Windows.SalWindow.InvokeWindowActions(WindowActionsEventArgs args, SalContext context, Int32 startIndex)    at PPJ.Runtime.Windows.SalWindow.SendClassMessage(Int32 msg, SalNumber wParam, SalNumber lParam, Type startType)    at PPJ.Runtime.Sal.SendClassMessage(SalNumber message, SalNumber wParam, SalNumber lParam)    at Ifs.Application.Order_.frmCustomerOrder.frmCustomerOrder_OnPM_DataSourcePopulate(Object sender, WindowActionsEventArgs e)    at Ifs.Application.Order_.frmCustomerOrder.frmCustomerOrder_WindowActions(Object sender, WindowActionsEventArgs e)    at PPJ.Runtime.Windows.SalWindow.InvokeWindowActions(WindowActionsEventArgs args, SalContext context, Int32 startIndex)    at PPJ.Runtime.Windows.SalWindow.FireWindowActions(Int32 msgCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)    at PPJ.Runtime.Windows.SalWindow.DispatchThenProcess(Message& m)    at PPJ.Runtime.Windows.SalWindow.ProcessWndProc(Message& m)    at PPJ.Runtime.Windows.SalForm.WndProc(Message& m)    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Hi @craryit 

We also see this error, more specifically in the Customer Orders screen. We do not seem to be able to get IFS support to assist, as we cannot reproduce the error, as it is sporadic.

We suspect we can remove the issue by deleting the frmCustomerOrder folder from the users profile…. but we are yet to prove that 100%. Also I do not want users needlessly losing their saved profile settings. I am continuing to see if I can further determine which element within frmCustomerOrder may be causing the issue.

I will be watching this case, in the hope someone out there is able to provide some guidance.

FYI we recently upgraded from IFSv9 to IFSv10, issue has been present since.



@MikeArbon Hi, Have you found anything helpful in this?

We’re getting same error 

Seems to be when using Sales Contracts so will try removing the profile folder for  frmSalesContract and then re-copying from another team member that will have the same profile.

