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Does anybody know what is happening with the Payroll Year End Update/Release and when it is available?


Thank you.




I know IFS changed the way this year in how they are managing annual payroll updates in that those on Apps 8 and 9 had to pay for this service. 

Once they received a PO, they would then schedule the work for your customer site.

I understood they were releasing the updates to App 10 customers in February and starting on Apps 9 and 8 customers now.

Do you have a support case raised?





I did raise a case but was told that this had to go through our IFS-Partner.


I cannot believe that we now have to pay for statutory changes to payroll.  Never come across this before.  Especially as in the past is was purely a case of updating templates, tax code, tax rates, ni rates and thresholds?


Strange one.


Thank you very much for your reply Shaun.