Responding to the threat posed by log4j, I am reading semi constantly that IFS app 9 is not affected.
However. we have confirmed that the log4j jar file is named with 1.2.17 versioning, and yet when we both
Run defender
Investigate the source data
The indication is that the file is in fact 2.xx, specifically in this 2.12.1. This is revealed in the
META-INF/maven/log4j/log4j/ See picture below

Also, your KBA says:

where when we check the file, we find Lookups as an option/folder.
So our question, how and why our WD pcks up this, despite log4j not supporting it in 1.2.xx?
This leads me to believe that somewhere along the way, someone updated this.
Can you verify?
Thanks,. Antony