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IFS Report Crystal error

  • Do Gooder (Customer)

The problem is described in the attached doc file.
Please find the problem description in that doc file.

3 replies


Hello Nahid, Greetings of the day. Focusing on the first error which you have described, please try to find the respected table manually instead of searching it from the options and then proceed with it.


Regarding your second error, you need to paste the particular .rpt file in the respected location where the crystal web service is installed and for you to be able to view the report in IFS Applications, certain steps are to be followed for both quick reports and order reports. 


Please contact me here if you need more details -

Takesha Kaluarachchi
Sidekick (Employee)

Before viewing the crystal report the layout should exist on the location where Crystal Reports are stored
You can find this path from  Web.Config file on CWS and find open report path location and place the rpt layout in a given path

<appSettings>   <add key="OpenReportPath" value="C:\reports\Test Reports\CXI"/></appSettings>


Hero (Customer)
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 78 replies
  • May 17, 2023

Hello @nahid 

To have the Crystal report executed, it should be placed in the correct open report path. First, check what’s the Crystal Web Service your PROD is referring to.

  • Check the System Parameter The machine where the Crystal Web Service is installed to see the server,
  • Check the parameter The virtual directory name to see the web instance ID

Now, navigate to the correct server, open the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<instance> and open the file web.config to see the Open Report Path. 

Now, carefully note that, as you are testing Operational Reports, the XCustomer_Information.rpt layout should be placed in the corresponding lang-code folder. I.e. As you are using the lang-code EN, your layout should be available in OpenReportPath>en>XCustomer_Information.rpt.

This is because, when it’s an operational report, you need to create individual crystal layouts per language, and place them inside corresponding Lang folder (inside Crystal Web Service > Open Report Path).

Now, the report should work.


Your first issue (not seeing the view in Crystal Designer) should be because of incorrect usage of the option dialog. As long as the view is created under IFSAPP, it should be visible. Otherwise, it’s nothing related to IFS.



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