Pre-requisitie: after receiving the valid SSL certificate PFX~ file and password.
On the MWS server double-click the PFX file and select Install PFX
This will open the Certificate Import Wizard.
Select Local Machine and click Next
Browse to the PFX file you wish to import and click Next
Enter the password you received with the SSL certificate PFX
Select Mark the key as exportable. This will allow you to back up or transport your keys at a later time.
Click Next
Select Place all certificates in the following store and browse, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK
Click Next
Finally, click Finish
The next step would be to open Certificate Manager
Expand Trusted Root Certification Authorities
locate the loaded SSL certificate entry and RMB then select All Tasks > Export
Select Yes, export the private key and click Next
Under Personal Information Exchange - PKS #12 (.PFX) ensure only Include all certificates in the certification path if possible is checked and nothing else then click Next
Check Password checkbox and enter the SSL password in Password and Confirm Password. For Encryption leave as TrippleDES-SHA1 and click Next
File to Export - browse to the location and specify filename where you wish to export the PFX file, then click Next
Finally, click Finish
Install the exported SSL certificate using IFS Installer without any issues.