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New tool for saving "Advanced Query Parameters"


Hi all,

When searching with Advanced Query Parameters, the search is not being saved. You will have to type the parameters again and again. I have made a tool that can do that:


Let me know if any of you are interested?

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  • Superhero (Partner)
  • August 20, 2021

@Hans Andersen I am interested in more information on this.


Thanking you.





@johnw66 ,

Attached zip contain 3 files. Unzip to a folder with write access (e.g. documents).

I presume that you are running a English version of apps 10 (Else see notes below):

  • Make a shortcut to the exe file at the Task Bar.
  • Open the ini file
  • For each page where you have an advanced query, make a section. Name it after the first permanent part of the page title.
    insert the # of parameters in property “n”
    Make n number of lines below it. Starting with 1. Ending with n. Like this:

    [Customer Order -]
  • Save the ini file
  • Start the query
  • Execute the exe file from the task bar. The parameters will be filled with values from the ini file.
  • When done editing the values - Hit the “Page up” button instead of “Enter”.


  • If you are running a non-English version. Insert a line in the “Query Window Titles” section with the title of the query window (note that for Danish, I had to shorten the title because of the non-English letter “ø”)

    [Query Window Titles]
    en=Advanced Query Parameters
    da=Avancerede foresp
  • Insert a section with the translated page title:

    [Kundeordre -]
  • If running a pre-10 version of EE, I suspect that it will not work. But replacing the value of “editClass” in the ini file might do the trick. The value can be found like this:
  • Will only work with one advanced query per page.
  • If moving away from the query window when the code is running, the program will exit.
  • If there are windows on top of EE, the code can fail. I notices that it is not working with a screen keyboard.
  • The “Page up” for saving is set with the property “savekey”. It can be replaced with one from this list. Just not “Enter” or “Esc” or….
  • The au3-fil contain the source code.


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