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Condition Based PM Actions

  • November 13, 2020
  • 5 replies

Do Gooder (Customer)
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 40 replies


I have a query around Condition based PM’s in Apps 8. We have a number of PM’s set up for run time hours on engines, with an interval of 250 hours connected to a test point with an accumulative parameter. This is working fine and producing work orders every 250 hours, however, what we would like to occur is a work order to be generated with a planned value of +250 from the last recorded reading, for example if the last recorded reading was 12513 the next work order planned value would be 12763. Whereas at the moment it creates a work order +250 from the planned value of the previous work order.

Is this possible to achieve in Apps 8? Below is the condition set up we have:


5 replies

Hero (Former Employee)
  • Hero (Former Employee)
  • 75 replies
  • February 8, 2021
HayleyG wrote:


I have a query around Condition based PM’s in Apps 8. We have a number of PM’s set up for run time hours on engines, with an interval of 250 hours connected to a test point with an accumulative parameter. This is working fine and producing work orders every 250 hours, however, what we would like to occur is a work order to be generated with a planned value of +250 from the last recorded reading, for example if the last recorded reading was 12513 the next work order planned value would be 12763. Whereas at the moment it creates a work order +250 from the planned value of the previous work order.

Is this possible to achieve in Apps 8? Below is the condition set up we have:


Hi HayleyG,

If I get it right, in Start value field, you should put the actual hour of the machine, 12750, the interval is correct.

hope it helps



  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 23 replies
  • September 13, 2021


What you request is the functionality named as ‘Performed Value Based’ that is available on the PM condition line in STD from App9 and forward, and by that it’s not available in App8.

The Performed Value Based functionality is built up to be used in a similar way for condition PMs as Performed Date Based functionality for calendar based PMs.


Help texts from APP9:

Performed Value Based
Displays whether or not the maintenance plan is to be moved forward in time, based on the actual completion date of the last work order that was generated from the PM action. The final value of the forecast measurement is calculated from the average use of the equipment multiply by the date difference of the planned and completion date of the work order. This is valid only for the Accumulated type parameters.

Performed Date Based:
Displays whether or not the maintenance plan is to be adjusted in time, based on the actual completion date of the last work order that was generated from the PM action. Notice that when you run a PM Action with Performed Date Based = 'Yes', only one Work Order will be allowed to be generated at a time. 

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 40 replies
  • September 15, 2021

@HayleyG I have been trying to set this up for some of our machines (to trigger WOs after 3 number of hours or cases produced) but I have just not gotten it to work.

I have the Accumulated Value set up in the Parameter

 and the Testpoint & Parameter set up in the Functional Object:

and have scheduled a database task to check the parameter value and generate WO if needed. But it’s not generating WOs when I manually input a value over the parameter value  (just to test it). Do you know what I am missing?  



  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 23 replies
  • September 16, 2021


After you on the PM have entered a Condition line for a certain Testpoint/Parameter, either of type Accumulate (with a Start Value and Interval) or type Limit (with Min Value and/or Max Value), you can start adding measurements for this Testpoint/Parameter combination.

As long as you have not exceeded the level for your Accumulated line according to specified startvalue/interval nothing will happen. I.e. this will not be part of any condition generation.

Same goes for a Limit line that not have exceeded the specified limits for min/max value. I.e. this will not be part of any condition generation.

At the moment you enter a measurement that exceed the specified startvalue/interval (Accumulated) or min/max value (Limit), then you will get this measured value into the Generation Value field.

It’s this Generation Value that is set for this Condition line on the PM that is the trigger used for generation of a WO when running the Condition generation. 




Nipuna Jayanath
Sidekick (Employee)

Hi @HayleyG ,


Though it has been some time you posted this , thought of answering since it is not yet solved. :)


The requested functionality was first introduced in IFS APP9 as “Performed Value Based” option. If we select “Yes” when setting up the condition for the PM action, it will take the previous reading(let’s say “X”) at which the previous work order was finished, and then plan the next generation value by adding the interval value to “X”.


Hope this helps!


Kind Regards,



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