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Impossible to have work orders for two different customers with one engine type in IFS App10

Sidekick (Partner)

Hi All,

We just came across a scenario, where we have an engine where we deal with two different customers. So the MRO WO has to be created for those two customers. However, IFS App10 version allows to create WO, we cannot disassemble the engine via Disassemebly Shop Order. System throws below error message:

“The quantity on the stock record is owned by Customer XXX. You are trying to perform a transaction on the same record with Customer YYY indicated as being the owner.”

We allowed the site level settings to have multiple customer ownership for parts. But, It seems like the position part entry in Inventory Part in Stock screen is not allowed in IFS.

Any one has any other workaround? Appriciate it.

(Obviously, we cannot have new locations in system, since same type of engines should be disassembled in similar locations physically).

NOTE: Already reported to IFS three weeks back, yet to receive any solution.

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