I need help for Overhead Adjustments and Weighted Average Cost Detail.
I check as below step for “machine overhead1”,”machine overhead2” and “shop order Labor overhead
” overhead adjustments and I think Overhead Adjustments only conside cost source ID and accounting year, not conside account no. correct?
if yes, what’s the possible reason and where I can check if cost source setup have issue?
- as below picture 1,we preform the overhead adjustments records which we can found adjustment ID and cost source
- as below picture 2, I qurey the “MPCCOM_ACCOUNTING” table for first step adjustment ID and cost source. if i group by adjustment ID and cost source ID, the balance is 0.
- as below picture3 ,if i group by adjustment ID ,cost source ID and account no. I found many account no balance not equal 0.
second I check the “Cost Details Basic Data” as below picture 4, I want to know for shop order partial receipts where i can setup cost source=* before shop order closing?
last as picture 5 I want to know as “Cost Details Basic Data” and “overhead adjustment” say, there is place stored cost details separately and if it have overhead type, like customer order will also be updated. So where I can check cost details?