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We cannot change to a different Payment Method in the Payment Order screen when the Default Payment Method is defined in Manual Supplier Invoices


 Hi All,

Core Environment – 22R1

We encountered the below error while changing the payment method to a different payment method other than the default, in the Payment Order screen.

  1. Create a Manual Supplier Invoice and insert the default payment method in installment plan & discount.
  2. Run a new supplier payment proposal fetching all payment methods.
  3. Acknowledge the Proposal & Create the Payment Order.
  4. When creating the Payment Order, select a payment method other than the default which was set in step number 1. 
  5. When proceed to finish the option, It gives below error.

Error - No Invoice/payment on account is selected into payment order. There are no items in the selected proposal(s) with the specified cash account.

Best answer by 12Guide_PaulB


Based on the error message, I think you selected it when you created the payment order. If you do, it selects payments where cash account is equal to the selected cash account (and not empty in proposal details).


By selecting a cash account when you create the proposal, the cash account is updated in proposal details.  If you don't select a cash account when creating the proposal, the proposal details don't have reference to a cash account.


Kind regards, Paul Beekmans

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Hero (Partner)


Based on the error message, I think you selected it when you created the payment order. If you do, it selects payments where cash account is equal to the selected cash account (and not empty in proposal details).


By selecting a cash account when you create the proposal, the cash account is updated in proposal details.  If you don't select a cash account when creating the proposal, the proposal details don't have reference to a cash account.


Kind regards, Paul Beekmans


Issue as described above:

Reason for error: Invoice was not approved using correct ID mentioned in the Authorizer ID. 


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