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Batch Print Customer Invoices

  • November 27, 2022
  • 1 reply


I have a few questions about "Batch Print Customer Invoices" in IFS 10 EE;
How do I email just Customer Invoices (the ones that are in Sales-Invoicing-Customer Invoice)  from "Batch Print Customer Invoices"? Under "Advanced" all the options are selected (see my screen cap attached) but do they all have to be selected? 
What is the difference between "Email" and "Send" in the Print Options? (I only want to email)
Also, what do I enter for "Planned Invoice Date Offset" if I only want to send invoices created say within the last to days?
Thank you for any replies.

1 reply

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 439 replies
  • November 28, 2022

It is best to test any setup in a non-Production environment first.   There are configuration variables that may impact your intented outcome.   That being said, I typically leave the offset to ‘0’ so it will pick up all preliminary invoices.   I would select ‘email’.    If you only want normal shipment invoices to batch create, you can deselect the others.   If you deselect the others, you will need a separate business process to post these invoices/credits.


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