Hi Community!
I have an issue with hald-day Vacation.
Following situation:
I have an employee with a very flexible schedule- He/she can start his/her work beasically whereever wanted. The normal in is at 08:00, the normal our is at 16:06. That makes 7,6 hours in total. A flexible break rule is used as well as flextime balance.
If the half day vacation is located in the first half of the day, then the wage code for vacation (wage code 300) is calculated correctly with a value of 3.8 hours.

In this case (on date 27. June) everythin is calculated correctly. The employee works 30 min less than he has to and he gets a deduction from his flextime balance.
But if the absence is located in the 2nd half of the day, the result for the absence wage code is 4.3 hours. I would expect, that it should be 3.8 hours as well (=50% of the sceduled hours). And because of this behavior I get incorrect results for the flextime balance and the scheduled hours (Wage code 100)

Has anybody the same experience? Has anybody found a solution for this?