Hello, I want ann in this entity PurchaseOrder, in tab Purchase Order Invoice PurchaseOrderInvoiceList which is located in PurchaseOrderInvoice, but when i click on Content + icon => List and in List value I cannot find PurchaseOrderInvoiceList, it is possible to add?
Best answer by Edwards
I missed instructing you on one step (always forget this one 🤭). You will need to add a Binding on the page configuration for the tab telling the page how you want to connect to the entity.
Step 1: Create a list with the entity you want. I gave my list a name and label of testlist
Step 2: add a new tab element. give it a label and a name. I named mine poinvoice
Step 3. Add the list to the new tab elements content. In this case I added my new list testlist
step 4: Add the datasource, being the purchaseOrderInvoiceSet you configured in your projection configuratoin
Step 5: Add a Binding which references the association you added in the projection configuration. You called yours POReceiptArray in the image above. In my initial image I called it that, because I added a tab for Purchase Order Receipts on my form. In this case for this example I called mine POInvoiceAssoc. So in the below image where I have POInvoiceAssoc you would have POReceiptArray. With all that hooked up it should work for you.
If you look at the “All Elements” section of the page designer, and expand the lists drop down, you can see all the available lists that are pre made that you can use on this form.
There isn’t a list for what you are looking for, but you can make a list to be able to use on this form. If the required entity is already connected to the projection, you can use add element on the list section to add create the list you want
If the entity is not yet connected to the projection, you will need to add the entity by going to the projection configuration form for PurchaseOrderHandling projection and add the entity you need there
After that you’ll need to add an entity association for how this new connected entity will connect to the purchase order entity.
After that youll need to synchronize the projection configuration, and then the entity will be available to you in the page designer.
The entity is available, but when I add some columns from this child entity, it retrieves error, for example when I try to add Receipt No from PurchaseOrderInvoice: PurchaseOrder/Form (Server error) Malformed Request. Error details: [{"code":"EXPRESSION_PROPERTY_NOT_IN_TYPE","message":"The property 'ReceiptNo', used in a query expression, is not defined in type 'PurchaseOrder'."}]
I missed instructing you on one step (always forget this one 🤭). You will need to add a Binding on the page configuration for the tab telling the page how you want to connect to the entity.
Step 1: Create a list with the entity you want. I gave my list a name and label of testlist
Step 2: add a new tab element. give it a label and a name. I named mine poinvoice
Step 3. Add the list to the new tab elements content. In this case I added my new list testlist
step 4: Add the datasource, being the purchaseOrderInvoiceSet you configured in your projection configuratoin
Step 5: Add a Binding which references the association you added in the projection configuration. You called yours POReceiptArray in the image above. In my initial image I called it that, because I added a tab for Purchase Order Receipts on my form. In this case for this example I called mine POInvoiceAssoc. So in the below image where I have POInvoiceAssoc you would have POReceiptArray. With all that hooked up it should work for you.
Thanks, it works, but I have last question. I want to add in entity PurchaseOrder entity InventoryTransactionsHistory, it is possible? Because when I want to add in Projection Name “InventoryTransactionHistoryHandling” superior entity PurchaseOrder, I cant find it there.
If the action you want to perform is already available it will be there under “execute action” option for adding a command. If it isn’t you will need to add the action as a configured custom action in the projection.
I add new entity InvPartConfigProject as a group, but when i click on + icon in commandgroups, in Action => executeAction i cannot see something which is simillar to entity InvPartConfigProject
Which action are you trying to add an execution for?
If the action is already available in the purchaseOrderHandling projection (or whichever projection) it will be available.
If it is not available, you will need to add it as a custom action to the projection configuration similarly to how you added an entity association before
You associate it to an “entity dependency” to some entity configured for the form.
Then you can add it as a command group action.
When you add it to your form you’ll need to configure the action parameters
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