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The schedule board returns an error with more than one item to be represented on the map

  • December 7, 2021
  • 7 replies


Hi collegues,

I am experimenting this issue in FSM 6.10 when more than one items must be represented on the map. With only one item per day is working and painting it well on the map.


Best regards.

Best answer by SanjeewaJ


I think the case that is referred in UPD 13 is “G2232702 - Map feature not working in Web Client”?

If so, looks like, it is not exactly similar to the issue that we have. So, I will go ahead with reporting this to Support to ensure if it is completely new or the same issue resolved by the UPD13 fix.


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7 replies

Hushan Hasarel
Hero (Employee)

Hi Asier, 


I believe this issue is in web client, when there is 2 or more tasks on 1 resource, one 1 day & "show routes" is checked and team members are also the resources listed. Is that correct ? This was a bug and was fixed in FSM 6 U13 release.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Hushan Hasarel



  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 2 replies
  • December 7, 2021

Hi Hushan,

Thanks for tour quick response.

I can represent various elements on the map with FSM 6.6. It doesn't make sense that a higher version (6.10) can't do it.

Best regards

Hushan Hasarel
Hero (Employee)

Hi Asier,


Various changes throughout update cycle can lead to bugs like this. So it is possible this issue occurred in a later version even though it worked in FSM6U6. However, as I mentioned, this issue was fixed by R&D in FSM6U13 release.


Thanks & Best Regards

Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 89 replies
  • December 16, 2021

Hi @Hushan Hasarel 

Could you please share the Case ID relevant to the fix? Could find any in release notes.

Or was your answer based on 



Confusing part here is, I found, in BNT environment (IFS internal) - FSM6UPD10 working perfectly fine, while Customer DEV environment (FSM6UPD10 hosted in customer’s server) having the issue.




Customer DEV

Customer DEV URL: http://win15d008/ENGAS_DEV1FSM6/WebClient/api/fsm/getMapRoute?wp.0=41,34146060,2,16047840&wp.1=41,34146060,2,16047840&wp.2=41,34146060,2,16047840&wp.3=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.4=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.5=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.6=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.7=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.8=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.9=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.10=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.11=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.12=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.13=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.14=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.15=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.16=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.17=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.18=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.19=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.20=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.21=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.22=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.23=41,340990,2,16064560&wp.24=41,340990,2,16064560&routeAttributes=routePath&key=Alz6LmUpAEinqus-_s8NqDgHXjpUfTKMd4qjN6jMdelslNrLyVjg5905YWUFSRuU



BUT, when I un-check “Show Route” it started showing


Seems like, issue occurs when trying to resolve the routes by calling http://win15d008/ENGAS_DEV1FSM6/WebClient/api/fsm/getMapRoute<PARAMS>


Any thoughts?




Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 89 replies
  • Answer
  • December 17, 2021


I think the case that is referred in UPD 13 is “G2232702 - Map feature not working in Web Client”?

If so, looks like, it is not exactly similar to the issue that we have. So, I will go ahead with reporting this to Support to ensure if it is completely new or the same issue resolved by the UPD13 fix.


  • Hero (Partner)
  • 72 replies
  • August 14, 2023

Hi @SanjeewaJ ,

Just checking if this issue was resolved.

We are facing the same issue in Release: 6 Update 21

  • Hero (Partner)
  • 72 replies
  • August 14, 2023

Also, found from Bing Maps documentation that we can have only 25 waypoints. In our example, we had more than 25 & I am suspecting that's the issue.

Calculate a Route - Bing Maps | Microsoft Learn

You can specify up to 25 waypoints for a route.


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