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Send and Receive email from a generic adress email in FSM

Sidekick (Partner)


In a request, when I click on a new specific action button, I need to :

  • Send an email + attachment to the customer contact defined on the request.
  • Receive an email answer + attachement from the customer contact with the email address used to send it the first email

I need to have the email answer linked to request as attachment in order to track and trace all exchanges.

I assume that from a request, send/receive an email + attachment is possible, but

  • Could you expain : what settings is needed  to do that ?:
    ​​- How to set a specific email address to send / receive email
    - What settings to save the answer email as attachment on the request ?

Thanks for your help


anthony thobie 

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Kalpani Dissanayake
Superhero (Employee)

Hi @athobie 

To send notification email, you can setup a BR. Please see below community post. Further, if you want to add atatchment, you may use reports tab in the notification message.

To receive response, Please refer below post,

Hope this may help. Many thanks.

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • July 7, 2021

Hi @Kalpani Dissanayake 

Ok thanks for the first part of the question : To send email + attachment

The second part is to receive email linked to specific object of FSM (request)

Then the recipient (customer contact) of the email sent will make an answer by email and we have to add this email answer + attachment to the request. The recipient will use the email address used to send the first email, to make his answer.
Could you please describe how to listen email / to add email in a request  in FSM ? 

To give you a better description with an example :
1/ Email sent to the customer:  Request_ID XXX / From / To  / Attachment ZZZ
2/ Email received form the customer  : Request_ID XXX / From  / To / Attachment ZZZ with  comment/signature of the customer

For the step 2 : we have to add the email + attachment to the Request_ID XXX

Thanks and Regards

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • July 9, 2021

Hi @Kalpani Dissanayake 

For your answer for  “To receive response” : you refer to FSM Mobile SMS notification

But in the business case, the response come from the customer by email. (see above the process)
please Could you describe the process for this need ?

Thanks and Regards

anthony thobie

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