When initializing a mobile device, this specific error can be seen in the mobile error log.

EXCEPTION Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ... Stack Trace: at Metrix.BusinessServer.BusinessPolicies.SharedTablesComponent.MobileManager.PerformReplicationForTableAndPerson(String tableNameIn, String personIdIn, Boolean truncateTableIn, String deviceSequenceIn, SQLiteCommand sqliteCommandIn, mm_process_defRow syncRuleIn, Dictionary`2 tableColumnsDictionaryIn)
at Metrix.BusinessServer.BusinessPolicies.SharedTablesComponent.MobileManager.PerformInitializeMobileDevice(String personId, String deviceSequence, String message, SQLiteConnection theSQLiteDB, Dictionary`2 theSyncRuleTableColumnsDictionary)
PerformReplicationForTableAndPerson(table:TASK, person_id:ADMIN, device_sequence:8)
This error is logged when initializing the mobile device for the admin user.
And this admin user has only one task.
If we remove this task from the admin user and assign another task, this error message will not appear anymore. ( Error comes only for some tasks )
Tried resetting all the properties of the task to empty. ( Can’t remove the assigned product id ) But the task still gives the error.
Further, this error can be seen in GSE EUR environment as well.

Has anyone seen this error before ? If so, please provide the steps to recreate this error.