We are doing some testing in IFS and noticed that when PR is created from WO demand through MRP run. The PR line does not show the WO reference number under Order Ref Column, which it will if it is not run by MRP.

- Any good explanation on why it is doing that?
- Is this a limitation of IFS? or possible to change by coding/programming?
- Also the INT (Internal Destination) code from the WO is missing on the PR Line column, it is just blank. We need the INT information, as this will help our warehouse people know who to deliver it within our internal (multiple) site.
I noticed that through PR line, when I right click and go to Inventory Availability Planning, I can see the specified line that says the demand is from Material Req or from a WO with qty and WO reference number under Order Ref Column. Is there any way someone has done it to set all those relevant info from WO to appear/populate on PR line? Are we missing anything that would cause this?

Appreciate all your advice or suggestions that could help us better understand :)