Hi @Yasuda,
You should be able to set verification on the field using the UI desinger that uses a regular expression created on the regular expression screen found under Studio when using a Studio licensed user to make sure the entry matches the format you need.
If this needs to not rely on user input then you would need to look more at using a business rule that updates the serial number based off of the entries in the relevant fields. You would likely need to use some of the user_def fields to hold the year and month so that the business rule can then select them and combine for the serial number. I would suggest using the product ID to populate the numerical part in this case to ensure the numbers are unique.
Hi Lee
Thank you for your reply.
I will share this with my designer.
Ifs partner in Japan
Hi @Lee Pinchbeck
By the way,
Hi @Yasuda ,
Product_ID is the out of the box name for the field that stores the system generated unique key for each product record. You may have altered this to display with a different name in the front end but the database field will still be product_id.