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Project Allocation within Resource Monitoring Gantt

Superhero (Partner)

Hi All,


Can someone explain to me how I can have the bar of the Project Allocation in the Resource Monitoring Gantt? Within the legend I can see a Yellow bar which should show the Project Allocation, but I am not able to see this? are there any requirements?


Thanks in advance


Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi Robert,


Can you try below steps ?


1.) Create a “Project” with “Sub Project” and “Activity”.
2.) Then from “Resources” tab create an “Employee Allocation”
3.) Then go to the “Resource Monitoring Gantt” and query by entering values for below parameters.
• Resource Type – Person
• Display Days
• From/To - Enter the date period.
• Site
• Resource group
• Resource ID
4.) “Yellow” bar will be dispalyed.


Also, you may try below setting as well.

To display details relevant to Project & Human Resources in resource monitoring Gantt, users need to enable the  DISPWAGE  property code for the company. This setting enables displays of wage code ID and description in Gantt. 

To enable this, 

1.)    Navigate to “Company Details” -> search for your company 
2.)    Go to the “Property” tab add “DISPWAGE” then set Property value to “TRUE”. 

This enables display details relevant to Project & HR in Resource Monitoring Gantt.


Best Regards,


Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • May 19, 2022

HI Thilini, 

Thanks for you answer. That was exactly what I have expected to do.

I have set up an Activity in status Released and I have created an Employee Allocation on it from the resource planning. When I open the Gantt, I still cannot see the yellow bar. besides that I cannot change the value of the company property, where can I do that?




Thanks again!

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • May 27, 2022

@Thilini Kumarasinghe 

I Have managed to change the company property now, but still no projects bar.

Currently I only have an IFS Cloud 21R2 version available where I can test.

Do you have an example where you managed to have a project in de monitoring gantt?

Or maybe you know someone who I can contact about this via Teams?


Thanks again

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi Robert,

Apologies for the delay in responding. Yes, I managed to create project allocations as below.

Envronment: Support / IFSCLOUD / 21R2 Core / REGIONAL TEST CMB


Employee allocation created:

Resource monitoring gantt:



If the allocation percentage is 100% or higher, the allocation is dispalyed in the gantt.

If the allocation percentage is less than 100%, the allocation is not dispalyed in the gantt.


Therefore is seems the reason for the reported behaviour is, partial allocations are not dispalyed in the gantt.

Hope this clarifies your query. I suggest to send a case to support team, so that we can further investigate in this.


Best Regards,


Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • June 8, 2022

@Thilini Kumarasinghe 


It would be nice if the support team can also provide a bar in case the allocation percentage is below 100%. My advise is to show the bar from start date until end date. I know that this can be confusing as well, so it would be nice if there is a setting to switch Project Planning on and off.


FYI, I am working now for a partner (Eqeep) in the Netherlands, so I don not have access to the support environments. Currently I only have access to 21R2 environment of a customer. In this environment I am still not able to get a bar for a full allocated (100%) project planning. Maybe there is an issue in the 21R2.

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi Robert,


Actually I also tested in  IFS Cloud 21R2 core version, so the 2 environments should be quite similar. Is it possible for you to send a support case so that this can be investigated further, on why the 100 % allocation bar is not displayed in customer environment ? Also if no settings are currently available, we can send your suggestion to Product deevelopment team via the support case.


Please let me know if I can be of any help.


@Tharindu Illangasinghe Can you kinldy check if this is something Project product team can assist with ?


Best Regards,


Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • June 22, 2022

Case CS0081053 created for this

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Thanks Robert, The project product team will invetsigate and will update you.

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • June 30, 2022


Background to not allowing to display project allocation that are less than 100%. Up until Apps9, we allowed to show allocations below 100% in the old Resource Allocation Gantt, but we get all too many performance cases reported where the source was project allocations. I.e., the Resource Monitoring Gantt is own by maintenance and are in the base done to display and allow re planning of allocations made on tasks (earlier operations), but besides that, 100% project allocations is display parallelly with 100% HR Allocations (type meetings, etc.) and 100% HR Training Allocations.

Okay, why not displaying less than 100% and why was this a performance killer: an example could be like this, let’s say you have 100 service technicians that in the base has an 8 am to 5pm HR schedule containing lunch and brakes. Besides this, the resources can be on absence some hours, minutes per day or more and less regular and, they can be allocated to trainings, meetings etc. This means every time you open and populate the Gantt, you need to calculate every resource availability for each day, and then calculate the availability with the Projects %allocation that easily can be 5% per day for a time span to up till a year, and then writing a thin, thin project allocation line at the beginning of the day for each day the Gantt is populated.

If you then calculating the requested resources * requested days in the request, there can be an amount of performance heavy calculations without that a user get any payback in the Monitoring Gantt.    

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • June 30, 2022

Conclusion: Via a support case in Apps9, we were needed to make a performance correction via re design of the base logic to only display project allocations above 100%. Via this correction, we decide to directly read the allocation start and allocation end and only write a bar between those dates. i.e., no calculations at all, only read and write asap there was a fix allocation above 100%.



Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • July 1, 2022

hi @Thilini Kumarasinghe and @janise,

Thanks for the reply.

I understand the performance issues within the gantt.

Still I am hoping for a bar which only represents the the start and end date of the project allocation, for me the allocated hours is not that important. It would be good to have the allocated hours available in the popup information. This bar can thenm be indeed very long, maybe even longet than 6 months. But no special calculation is needed though. Then it would be good to have a setting ‘Show Project Allocation’ available to have the possibility to show or not (maybe even a %, so you can say, all allocations above X%).

What are you thoughts on this?

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • July 4, 2022


It sounds that you should ask this Q via the legal management way…, but if someone is allocated 5% for a year on a project – do you really want to see the full year blocked out by a full allocation?

I need to ask because; If one resource is allocated to i.e., 10different parallel projects for an amount of small percentage, then there will be 10 parallel project bars above each other’s for only that resource. This in the resource allocation Gantt made for display and re assignment of allocations related to work tasks. Besides this, we need to have our Allocate Resource Gantt, Dispatch Console, Scheduling Workbench, etc. in mind, means, this will not only affecting one single place and is not an easy decision that I’m allowed to take!

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • July 4, 2022


Thanks for your reply.

I understand your concern, but that is fact I want to show. 

The planners at my customer wants to see if someone is planned for a project or not.

The information of teh project should be sufficient, when I click teh project, the start date, end date and allocated hous should be shown. This should give them enough information.

So far I am not sure if we will use the alloaction option on the work task, or the dispatch console, so the solution should be the same indeed, which make it even harder.

To make it a little easier, the project allocation should be added a setting within these screens, so the user/customer can decide what they want to see out of this.

Who could I contact for this?



  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • July 4, 2022

Hi @Thilini Kumarasinghe 

Please Thilini, can you assist Robert with a request or what the name is today…? 




Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • July 7, 2022

Hi @Björn Kleist

I am back in IFS world, now working for Eqeep. 

Not sure if you are the correct person to discuss this with, but I have a requirement to have all project allocation within the gantt. Due to performance this shows only 100% allocated lines, which is for sur enot enough for my customer. What are your thought on this?


Robert Kool

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi @janise , Hi @EqeRobertK ,


I’m wondering whether this can be answered by @ereslk

Please pardon me, if I have added the worng contact person.


Best Regards,


  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • July 8, 2022

Hi @Thilini Kumarasinghe

Eresha is not in service, scheduling team that owns the today Monitoring Gantt. She belongs to Asset and I don’t know their future plans in the scheduling and allocations area. PS: Just a clarification… and when we got to Björn that Robert has tag, He belongs to us in service, but he is on vacation until August in same way as I will be from this afternoon… 

Have a nice Summer!



Björn Kleist
Hero (Employee)

Hi @EqeRobertK , is this a Service customer we are talking about ? and what is their version ? is it Cloud or Apps 10 ?

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • November 4, 2022
Björn Kleist wrote:

Hi @EqeRobertK , is this a Service customer we are talking about ? and what is their version ? is it Cloud or Apps 10 ?

Hi Bjorn, sorry for the Late response!

It is a customer in IFS Cloud which will use resource allocation on Work Tasks and Project Activities for the same resource, so we are looking for a solution where all information is available in a nice graphical way. 

Within this project, there is not much progress in the last weeks, so not really a status update.

But i already found some information which covers all alloactions, so we have all the informnation for the availability. Eventhough it would be nice if there is one graphical (Gantt) which can show this. I understand the issue, but still it should be possible:)

Any idea on this topic for the future?

Sidekick (Employee)
  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • February 9, 2023

Hello to all 

I have the same request for the ASSYSTEM customer who wants to migrate to IFS CLOUD


Hi , 

 For your information, we have introduced a new feature to show partially allocated project allocations too. Previously we didnt show the allocations less than 100% because actual time allocation representations is wrong. but with new functionality, you can toggle on (Settings > View Partial Project Allocations) partial allocation visibility on the monitoring gantt. 




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