@JOOLSE appreciate if you can have some input on this.
I need to check this up. It might be a limitation and we have never implemented no-part requisition line attachment.
Thanks @JOOLSE for the information. Appreciate if you can check this and let me know before we report this to IFS Support as a bug.
I have checked this up with a colleauge and his anser was like this when I asked if it was a limitation.
Yes. This is how SCM has done it. Specified LU name is PurchaseReqLinePart. If they can setup a OCT that connects PRLineNoPart to PRLinePart it should work.
Not sure if you can do this yourself, otherwise I suggest that you raise an issue to IFS, so it can be investigated further. I do not see any reason why it should not work, more than that we have not consider No Line Part.
@JOOLSE thanks for this information. Can you please let me know what you meant as OCT ?
OCT = Object Connection Transformation
Thank you, Do you have any idea what the transformation method would be like ?