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Hi all,

Thanks to @James Ashmore, I could solve this issue. I thought of sharing the steps with others.

If you're getting following error during the initialization of MWO Service 10 app or MWO Maintenance 10 app, you may able to solve the issue by following the steps below.



INITFAILED:Initialization failed due to app redeployment.



1. Go to IEE > Solution Manager > Background Processing > Background Jobs > Database Processes

2. Search for:

     2.1) If IFS MWO Service 10: %ServiceEngApp%

     2.2) If IFS MWO Maintenance 10: %MaintEngApp%


3. If the shown database processes are DISABLED:


4. RMB on the record(s) > Reactivate


5. Now processes must be in either 'RUNNING' or 'SCHEDULED' state.


6. Go back to MWO Service 10/ MWO Maintenance 10 app > Force Initialize (Or you can log in again)


Now the app might initialize without errors.


Hope this helps. Cheers.



Hi Nimesh,
There are some instances where reactivating DB processes doesn’t solve the issue.


Performing below steps will help to resolve the issue.



1. Find the native app in the IEE (navigate the Applications form and search for your app)

2. Delete the app versions

3. Delete the app


Find the meta data file specific to the app from the following location:


In the delivery installation files :



File Name:




Redeploy the metadata ins file properly.
Make sure to commit the changed to the DB

And check the app is now available again in the 'Applications' form in IEE and DB processes are activated.


Redeployment of meta data ins file will remove the DB processes and re-insert them again. 


Best Regards,

Hi Nimesh,
There are some instances where reactivating DB processes doesn’t solve the issue.


Performing below steps will help to resolve the issue.



1. Find the native app in the IEE (navigate the Applications form and search for your app)

2. Delete the app versions

3. Delete the app


Find the meta data file specific to the app from the following location:


In the delivery installation files :



File Name:




Redeploy the metadata ins file properly.
Make sure to commit the changed to the DB

And check the app is now available again in the 'Applications' form in IEE and DB processes are activated.


Redeployment of meta data ins file will remove the DB processes and re-insert them again. 


Best Regards,

Hi @Rangani Fernando,

Thank you for adding more details. :) 
